I am starting this blog when I only have 4 months left in Thailand. I have been here 5 years and have become quite accustomed to some of the ways here, which in England would be considered, mad, barking bad or just simply crazy!

So this blog is to celebrate Thai-ness, the things that make this place and the people so wonderful and the things that drive us all crazy. I am going to try, hopefully with your help, to log down the things that if I had only just come over from England, I would think are insane, but right now I think of as totally normal!

So, what are your experiences here in Thailand, what crazy things have you got photos of? What is the most people and animals you have seen on a bike? What is the craziest request you have had? And of course, one of my all time favourites; what is the worst spelling mistake you have seen?

Monday, June 18, 2012

Visas!!!! now I know this one is popular

Visas are crazy in Thailand, even if you have a work permit for a year, you also need a visa but you have to leave the country every 3 months. You don't have to be gone long, you just have to reach the border and then come back. It is the biggest waste of time for all of us living here and in the past the Thai's had some great ways of getting round this rule.At least you get to go to KFC!!

Crazy Visa Rules:
- The rules at one Thai Embassy are not necessarily the same as another Thai Embassy (even if they are in the same country). These rules can change at anytime, without any notice and there are no ways round the new rule you didn't know existed but has just wasted 3 days and probably over 6000 baht.
- Every piece of paperwork must be stamped (with the company stamp) and signed, failure to do this, wastes everything (I took to carrying my stamp with me whenever I left the island!).
- You have to supply them with about 50 pieces of paper, all of which you also required for the Work Permit, TAT license, Boat License etc Forgot one piece of paper? Forget it, unless of course you bought the stamp and someone can fax it to you!

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